Achieving Institutional Goals with Micro-Internships

    Case Studies from Successful University-Led Programs

    During this 1-hr webinar, members of the Parker Dewey team will share examples of how you can identify and address unique institutional goals by implementing Micro-Internship Programs.

    All of these ideas are designed to be low-lift for your team while maximizing the available budget to support as many students as possible.  Below are just a few of the goals Parker Dewey has helped other institutions accomplish:

    • Engaging alumni;
    • Creating opportunities for your students in a specific sector (e.g. nonprofit, government);
    • Addressing the issue of brain-drain in your geographic area.

    We look forward to highlighting the above case studies and how you can bring them to your institution!

    Join us on Tuesday, November 19th, 1pm ET

    Live webinar won't fit in your schedule? 

    Check out the recording and slides from our last presentation or you can complete the form below to receive the recording after the session.