How to Fill Out Your Parker Dewey Profile


    Tips for Success

    Profile Section

    Experience Section

    Resume Section

    Documents Section


    Step 1: Share your program and location information

    Why is this required? Companies have the option of featuring opportunities to specific schools or organizations, and you will be unable to see these exclusive opportunities if SkillsBuild is not listed. Location can also be helpful to prospective employers who may want to connect with talent who are either from or live close to their organization. Keep in mind that many organizations use Micro-Internships as a way to identify talent for future opportunities (including internships and full-time roles)

    SkillsBuild users, use the following guide for appropriately filling in the fields in this form:

    University: IBM SkillsBuild

    Major: Your program or content focus (e.g. Data Analytics, IT Support)

    Degree Received or Pursuing: If you have a degree or are in progress currently, please do include that here. If not, select “Other” or “None” from the drop down.

    Dates Started & Ended: When you began work on this content focus, and a future date when you hope to be done with this phase of skills education

    Tip for Success: If you are a US resident with international citizenship, be sure to check the box at the bottom of the below image.  This will help make sure you receive important information about your eligibility to apply for Micro-Internship opportunities.

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    Step 2: Submit your demographic information

    Why is this required? Parker Dewey's mission is to help create equitable access to professional pathways, and this data helps us measure our success. That stated, you can choose not to submit this information if you prefer by selecting prefer not to disclose.

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    Step 3: Begin Viewing Opportunities/Continue Adding to your Profile

    Congratulations - You are now able to view and apply for opportunities on Parker Dewey!

    Tip for Success: While other profile sections aren't required to apply for opportunities, we highly recommend them. To continue adding to your profile, select Hi, [Name] at the top right (red arrow below) and then select Profile from the drop-down menu.

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    Step 4: Add optional information to your profile

    To add additional information, select the profile section you'd like to add to/update from the left (red arrow below).

    Click the hyperlinks below to see tips for that section:



    Resume Documents

    Don't forget to hit SAVE after making changes to any section!

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    Tips for Success (Profile Section):

    • It is recommended (but not required) that you upload a picture of yourself. Companies using the Parker Dewey site will be able to see your picture if you apply for their project, so be sure to use one that looks professional.

    • Draft a concise personal statement that reflects some of your strengths and goals.

    • Choose affiliations that are relevant. Options include nonprofit organizations with whom Parker Dewey has partnerships, but you can also add general categories and memberships that may be relevant to your professional experience. Hit ADD after each affiliation to make sure it will be reflected on your profile. Be sure to add "IBM SkillsBuild" here to ensure that you are seeing all Micro-Internships that are available to you.

    • Keep in mind that companies will be able to see all of this information if you choose to apply to one of their projects. Adding hobbies and other interests can be a nice way to differentiate yourself, but keep it professional!


    Tips for Success (Experience Section):

    • Include experiences that may be relevant to the projects that interest you. This can help you stand out!

    • If you wish to add an additional experience, click Add Experience.  Experience will be added so that the most recent one is listed at the top of your profile.


    Tips for Success (Resume Section):

    • You can only upload one resume to your Parker Dewey profile, so be sure to choose one that might appeal to the variety of projects to which you may apply. You can always upload a new resume at a later time.

    • Indicate your availability for other types of work. Many companies use Micro-Internships as a way to identify talent for longer-term opportunities, so let them know what you're open to.

    • If you are comfortable sharing links to a personal website, portfolio, Twitter handle, and/or LinkedIn account, add that here. Many projects on the Parker Dewey platform involve some familiarity with social media and other web design. Having links in this section can be beneficial if you are interested in these types of opportunities, but be sure to only link accounts that are professional.


    Tips for Success (Documents Section):

    • This section can be used to showcase example of previous work that might be relevant to projects of interest. Work samples are a great way to showcase your writing skills and other relevant expertise. Career Launchers who upload samples of their work are more likely to be selected for projects.

    • Only PDF, PNG, & JPEG files can be accepted and the document size limit is 7.5MB.


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