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Uncover Top Talent and Evaluate Skills with Micro-Internships

Engage Career Launchers at No Cost

Ready to connect with early-career candidates and get valuable work done? This grant funded Micro-Internship program allows you to engage career launchers on 15-hour projects, at no cost to your organization. Open to any organization hiring early-career talent for full-time roles or paid internships.


  • Fill talent pipelines with students and graduates from diverse backgrounds.
  • Assess candidate skills on real projects.
  • Try out Micro-Internships before launching your own program.

Connect with Students: Reach students and recent grads from Connecticut and Florida colleges, HBCUs, and member institutions of the HSI Career Collaborative.

Fully Funded by the Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation: All costs, including a $300 payment to each Micro-Intern, are covered and processed by Parker Dewey.

Engage Talent, Evaluate Skills, and Streamline Your Hiring Process: Create your project or schedule a call to start benefiting from Micro-Internships

Join organizations like these:

Micro-Internship Templates

Click the project name to post a Micro-Internship related to your open roles.
Please note that sponsored projects are subject to approval.

Post a Custom Project

Click on the link above to create your own project. You can determine the project scope, deadlines, and other details. If you need help, please contact

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BDR Audition

Identify college students with attention to detail, critical thinking, persistence, and communication with this lead gen project.

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Marketing Coordinator Audition

Identify college students capable of conducting thorough research, crafting engaging content, and delivering polished final products in the form of articles or blog posts.

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Market Analyst Audition

Identify college students skilled in conducting thorough research and presenting findings effectively through this market analysis project.

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Data Analyst Audition

Identify college students with core data analysis skills, attention to detail, and analytical thinking skills through this data analysis project.

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Data Analyst Audition

Identify college students with core data analysis skills, attention to detail, and quantitative skills through this data manipulation project.

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Business Analyst Audition

Identify college students with strong attention to detail and analytical skills through this project involving the identification and analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs) and trends

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Content Coordinator Audition

Identify college students with strong attention to detail and creative skills through this project involving the creation of 3-5 short-form videos for Instagram/TikTok on specified topics.

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User Experience Analyst

Identify college students with a keen eye for detail and expertise in user experience through this project involving comprehensive testing and analysis of a competitor's website.

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HR Analyst Audition

Identify college students skilled in conducting research and analyzing articles through this DEI-focused research project.

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Talent Acquisition Coordinator Audition

Identify college students with research and analysis skills through this project focused on sourcing candidates for specific job roles.

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Recruitment Coordinator Audition

Identify college students with strategic planning skills through this project focused on developing a student engagement strategy.

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It's a great opportunity with little risk and high reward.

Malika Davis,

Deputy Director,

Delaware Public Service Commission

What a unique way to tap into the unbelievable base of student and early career talent! Our interns over-delivered and were great representatives of the business in each of their outreach campaigns. We were very impressed with the deliverables and the end-to-end communications with both of our interns!

Douglas D. Menifee,

SVP, Business Development,

HBCU Connect, LLC

Parker Dewey and its partnering Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation Micro-Internship program is a perfect opportunity to interact with new talent, invest in the future generation of professionals, and meet potential future hires for your organization.

Seva Reilly,

HR Internship Coordinator,

Sipley the Best

We've had Micro-Interns make powerful impressions on the managers they work with, and these impressions have turned into full-time job offers

Shannon Wade

Early Career Recruiting Lead,

Trane Technologies

Frequently Asked Questions

More questions?

The Frederick A. DeLuca Micro-Internship Program is designed to serve as a bridge to future employment opportunities and may help your organization find its next great hire. To connect with our team, complete the form.