GWU Career Quest Micro-Internship Program Logo

30-Hour Micro-Internship Templates

Each of the projects below are expected to take a student about 30 hours to complete. Clicking the project name will take you over to the Parker Dewey platform and allow you to make edits before posting your Micro-Internship.

Post a Custom Project

Click on the link above to create your own 30-hour project. You can determine the project scope, deadlines, and other details.  If you need help, please reach out at

Data Clean-Up

Provide a student with a dataset and have them remove duplicates, update outdated records, and ensure there is consistent formatting.

Email Marketing Campaign Development

Engage a student in developing a series of emails to help promote an upcoming initiative and drive engagement.

Competitive Analysis

Are your competitors providing customer incentives that you’re not? Have a college student research and compare your product’s market.

Job Specifications Review

Make sure your company’s job descriptions are on par with the industry standard. Let a micro-intern analyze and compare this essential data.

User Experience Testing

Engage a student in conducting a comprehensive UX test of your website and provide suggestions for improvement.