Parker Dewey

How Career Launcher Payments Work

Parker Dewey requires that all Micro-Internships are paid. Below you will find information on how payments work on our platform.

How are prices determined?
How much will I receive?
How much does Parker Dewey make per project?
Can I be paid hourly?
Does the company pay me directly?
When will I receive payment? 
How can I receive payment? 
Can I be paid if I am an international student?
What if a company offers a bonus? 
What if the company offers a paid extension to the project?
What should I do if the payment on the project is different than when I applied?
How do I handle taxes for income earned through projects?

How are prices determined?

  • Parker Dewey allows companies to determine the prices of their projects, most being between $200 and $600. While all assignments are fixed fee, they typically require between 10 and 40 hours of work (in total) to complete.
  • Parker Dewey actively monitors new projects that are posted to ensure their payments are fair.

How much will I receive?

  • The amount you see listed on the project is the amount you will receive upon the project's successful completion unless there are changes to the scope. If there is a change of scope, please contact us immediately and/or we will notify you upon our notification from the client to confirm continued interest.
  • You should not be negotiating a price with the company.
  • You will be charged 1.4% by our payroll processor, Gig Wage, if you enabled the Instant Pay option by adding your debit card. You can remove this option any time. Click here to see instructions.

How much does Parker Dewey make per project?

  • The amount you see is 90% of the price the company decided it would pay for the project. Parker Dewey retains the remaining 10% to cover its cost of processing the payment and preparing accounting and tax documentation.

Can I be paid hourly?

  • No. Please see our Terms of Use for additional information. 

Does the company pay me directly?

  • No. Parker Dewey will handle collecting payment from the company and releasing it to you. This both ensures that you will get paid upon completion and will receive the appropriate tax documentation.

When will I receive payment? 

  • Payments are generally submitted for processing on the last day of the month or first day of the following month, but Parker Dewey may be able to release funds early depending on the circumstances.
  • You will only be added to payroll after Parker Dewey has received confirmation from the client that the project is complete.
  • Once you are finished working on your project, mark it as completed through your dashboard. This will formally notify the client and Parker Dewey that you are finished. 
  • If the last day of the month falls on a weekend, payroll will be processed the following Monday.

How can I receive payment?

  • If you have a Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN), you can create an account on our payroll system, Gig Wage. If you have another form of identification including a valid Individual Taxpayer ID Number (ITIN), you will be paid via our payroll system, Melio.
  • Payments can be received either through a direct deposit or be added to a debit card similar to check.
  • Parker Dewey is able to process payments to U.S. bank accounts and international accounts from countries on this list.

Can I be paid if I am an international student?

  • Yes, but first you should check with your school's International Students Office to confirm your eligibility to work in the U.S.
  • If you are eligible but do not have a SSN, we will pay you through the Melio platform. However, you will need a valid ITIN.

What if a company offers a bonus?

  • If a company offers you a bonus during the project, please notify Parker Dewey ASAP so we can properly handle the accounting for it.

What if the company offers a paid extension to the project?

  • If a company offers you a project extension,  please notify Parker Dewey ASAP so we can properly handle the accounting for it.
  • Please note that at any point following a project's completion, a company can offer to directly engage you as an employee, contractor, or intern. There are no fees or costs to you or the company if that happens (helping Career Launchers find the right job is our our mission!), however it will be up to you and the company to handle any subsequent payments, accounting, etc.

What should I do if the payment on the project is different than when I applied?

  • If you see a change in payment on a project that you already applied for, please review the project again and see if other changes were made. If you are not comfortable with the updated scope, we suggest you withdraw your application.
  • If you were selected for the project already, please notify Parker Dewey ASAP.

How do I handle taxes for income earned through projects?

  • Income earned through projects should be reported on your tax return as self-employment income. 
  • If you earned more than $600 from projects during the year, Parker Dewey will send you a 1099 to report on your tax return. You should receive the 1099 by March each year. 
  • The IRS has additional guidance for managing taxes for your gig work. Please note that this resource is not professional advice. If you have any questions about your taxes or your deductions, hire an accountant or ask a tax professional.

Feel free to reach out to if you have questions about Career Launcher payments that were not covered.