Kickoff Meeting Tips and Resources

    Your kickoff meeting is an important opportunity to connect and define expectations for your Micro-Internship project. Use these tips to make sure you're making a good impression and getting everything you need from the meeting.

    Set the meeting

    Reach out to your point of contact at the company (referred to as your supervisor going forward) and determine the date, time, and format for your kickoff meeting. 

    Keep in Mind: Parker Dewey has relationships with companies across the United States, so it’s very possible you’re working with someone in a different part of the country. When you establish the meeting time, make sure you clarify the timezone.

    Kickoff Email Template

    Prepare your technology

    If you have determined that your kickoff meeting will be a video call, we recommend using a laptop or computer instead of a phone, so you have more screen space to view and share information. Make sure you have any necessary accounts created/software downloaded on your device. Few things are more stressful than waiting for Zoom to download while you’re late for a meeting!

    Be ready to set SMART goals

    The kickoff meeting is your opportunity to network with your supervisor, ask clarifying questions, and make sure you have all the information you need to exceed expectations and make a fantastic impression. The kickoff meeting is a great time to establish SMART goals for your project. These are goals that are:






    Download SMART Goals Guide

    Follow Up

    After the kickoff meeting, email your supervisor a recap of what you discussed. It may seem redundant, but ensuring you and your manager are 100% aligned on expectations will lead to success.

    Your follow-up email is also a great opportunity to ask your supervisor if it’s ok for you to announce that you’ve started working on their project on your resume and social media. Unless they explicitly say it’s ok, simply share that you’re excited to be working on a Parker Dewey Micro-Internship as an Independent Contractor. Some clients prefer confidentiality.

    Follow-Up Email Template

    The kickoff meeting is only one part of your Micro-Internship journey. That's why we have tips and resources for every step of the way!

    Micro-Internship Success Checklist