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Featured 20-Hour Community-Designed Projects

Each of the projects below are expected to take a student about 20 hours to complete. Clicking the project name will take you over to the Parker Dewey platform and allow you to make edits before posting your project.

Website Creation

Student will take an existing website design and implement it to build your website using whatever website platform you provide.

Video Editing

Have a student pull together photographs and/or videos to help tell your organization's story.

Literature Review

Engage a student to conduct a review of existing literature on a topic that's relevant to you or your organization's work.

Annotated Bibliography

There are never enough hours in the day to read, let alone to create your reading list. A student can help you identify the books that are most relevant to you.

Survey Design

Need to get a survey out, but don't have time to pull it together? A Swarthmore student or recent grad can do the research and design to get you the data you need.

Grant Writing

Engage a student in helping to research available grants and write an initial draft of the grant application.

Social Media Calendar

Engage a student in creating a social media content calendar. The posts should have a good mix of thought leadership, informational, and promotional content (which we will provide).

Diversity Best Practices

Diversity and inclusion are essential now more than ever. Have a student develop a diversity best practices manual for your organization.

Post a Custom Project

Click on the link above to create your own project.  You can determine the project scope, deadlines, and other details. 


Please note that if your project is approved, Swarthmore's Lang Center will be providing the funding for this program.  Your organization will not receive an invoice.  When posting your project,

  • Please choose 10 or 20 hours based on how long you expect the project to take.
  • For the project's cost, use $125 for a 10-hour project or $250 for a 20-hour project.  These amounts may be adjusted based on the program's guidelines and budget.
If you need help, please reach out at colab@parkerdewey.com.