Flyers and Handouts
How to use this content:
Select a topic to see details, including a recommended time to share, description, link to the file, and (when applicable) link to a customizable template.
A better way to hire (flyer) |
A better way to hire w/ webinar info (flyer) |
The project help you need when you need it (flyer) |
About Parker Dewey: A better way to hire (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Time of Year: Any / Launch / Fall or Spring semester |
Type: 8.5x11 PDF |
Description: A single-page handout with perspectives from a student, employer, and educational partner about how and why experiences through Parker Dewey provide value to all parties. |
Link to view/ download: |
Link to customize: |
About Parker Dewey: A better way to hire w/ webinar information (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Time of Year: Include in any mailings to employers or have available at campus events involving employers up to a month before the webinar |
Type: 8.5x11 PDF |
Description: Single sided flyer explaining Micro-Internships and their benefits. Includes QR codes for registering for the upcoming webinar as well as posting a Micro-Internship. |
Link to view/ download: |
Link to customize: |
About Parker Dewey: Get the project help you need when you need it (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Time of Year: Any / Launch / Fall or Spring semester |
Type: 8.5x11 PDF |
Description: This single-page handout is ideal for those alumni who may not currently have longer-term hiring goals, but could use immediate, short-term project assistance. |
Link to view/ download: |
Link to customize: N/A |