Newsletter Content
Topic: Holidays
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Holiday: New Year (return to top of page) |
Time of Year: January / Start of spring semester |
Text: [Year]: The Year You Launch Your Career! Make this year the one where you launch your career! A Parker Dewey Micro-Internship that allows you to get flexible, paid, real-world experience is a great place to start. Button Text: Get started! Button Link: {UNIVERSITY LANDING PAGE] |
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Holiday: Valentine's Day (return to top of page) |
Time of Year: February / Spring semester |
Text: Date a Company with a Micro-Internship A Micro-Internship could be the first step to a career you love. And even if it's not, you'll still earn some money so you can snag some of those chocolates that will be on sale after Valentine's Day Button Text: Apply today! Button Link: {UNIVERSITY LANDING PAGE] |
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Holiday: Spring Break (return to top of page) |
Time of Year: March / Spring semester |
Text: Relaxation AND Resume Building Want to spend spring break on the beach but also know you need to get some professional experience on your resume? Why not accomplish both? Check out the many remote, short-term, PAID Micro-Internships available through Parker Dewey. Button Text: Apply today Button Link: {UNIVERSITY LANDING PAGE]
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Holiday: St. Patrick's Day (return to top of page) |
Time of Year: March / Spring semester |
Text: Make your own luck Not everyone is lucky enough to secure a Micro-Internship with their first application. Most successful Micro-Interns submit quality applications to at least 5 of these flexible, paid, professional opportunities before being selected for one. Button Text: Keep applying Button Link: {UNIVERSITY LANDING PAGE] |
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Holiday: Easter (return to top of page) |
Time of Year: March or April / Spring semester |
Text: On the hunt? If you're hunting eggs this month, we don't have much for you, but if you're hunting for opportunity, Parker Dewey has you covered! Check out the many short-term, PAID Micro-Internship opportunities that are available. Button Text: View opportunities Button Link: {UNIVERSITY LANDING PAGE] |
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Holiday: Halloween (return to top of page) |
Time of Year: October / Fall semester |
Text: Scared you're missing out? Think you're being ghosted by employers? Keep in mind that most Micro-Interns submit quality applications for about 5 Micro-Internships before being selected for one. Taking time to carefully proofread your short-answer application responses also reduces the chances of your application being ignored. Don't let rejection scare you - keep applying! Button Text: Apply for a Micro-Internship Button Link: {UNIVERSITY LANDING PAGE] |
Image (optional): |
Holiday: Thanksgiving (return to top of page) |
Time of Year: November / Fall semester |
Text: Grateful for Micro-Internships We're grateful for all the amazing employers posting PAID, flexible, professional opportunities on Parker Dewey. Check them out for yourself - Some of these require so few hours you might even be able to complete one over Thanksgiving break! Button Text: Take a look Button Link: {UNIVERSITY LANDING PAGE] |
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Holiday: Winter break (return to top of page) |
Time of Year: December / End of fall semester |
Text: How are you spending your break? We hope everyone's getting excited for what will surely be a well-deserved break, but if you do have some down time, consider using it for a Micro-Internship. These short-term, mostly remote opportunities are a great way to get PAID experience, no matter where you're spending the holidays. Button Text: Get started! Button Link: {UNIVERSITY LANDING PAGE] |
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