Talent Stacker Micro-Internships
Need an extra set of hands on Salesforce projects? Ready to connect with Salesforce-trained Talent Stacker job seekers who may be your next great hire?
Through Micro-Internships, you can engage Talent Stacker job seekers on short-term, paid, professional projects. These highly-motivated individuals are excited to exceed your expectations and put their Salesforce skills to work. And you can evaluate those skills to see if the job seeker is a good fit for an open role on your team.
To begin, simply select a project below, and then select one or more Talent Stacker job seekers to complete it.

Post a Custom Project
Click on the link above to create your own project. You can determine the project scope, deadlines, and other details. If you need help, please contact support@parkerdewey.com.

Data Cleansing
Provide a student with a dataset and have them remove duplicates, update outdated records, ensure there is consistent formatting, etc. so that it is ready for you to analyze.

AI Research
Research AI tools available in Salesforce and prepare a report with recommendations about the tools that may help your organization.

Extracting Insights from Data
Review and manipulate a data set that you provide. Draft a summary of actionable insights that they have extracted from their analysis.

KPI and Trends Report
Using financial, product, and/or other publicly-available data, prepare a report to highlight key KPIs and trends for a target industry or company that you identify.

Connecting Data Sources with Salesforce
Connect various outside data sources with our Salesforce database using the API and other tools.

Optimizing Salesforce Workflow
Optimize a workflow in Salesforce to help improve process efficiency.

Developing a Data Model
Aggregate various datasets and develop models based on the data to help inform our business decisions
How it Works

More Questions?
Parker Dewey is happy to set up a time to discuss your unique recruiting or on-demand project needs. To connect with our team, please complete the form.