

Get support on projects, while providing opportunities for diverse college students and recent graduates to learn more about working at Xylem.

Project Templates for the Xylem HR Team

Click on any of the project titles listed below to customize and post your Micro-Internship. Need help? Complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Reviewing and Ranking Resumes

Provide a student with 20 resumes and a job description and have them review each one and rank their top 10 based off their qualifications for the job. Once ranked, the student will provide justification for why they ranked them where they did.

Reviewing and Ranking Resumes"> →

Job Specifications Review

Let a student review your existing job specifications for ten positions or new roles. The student should research the job descriptions for similar jobs as used by other companies and identify best practices and ways for us to create or improve our job requirements.

Job Specifications Review"> →

Job Board Support & Evaluation

Let a student create and manage postings for five open positions using various job boards. This includes promoting our postings on social media (industry, department, and geographic focused), evaluating effectiveness of various methods, and initial screens of candidate information based upon pre-defined metrics.

Job Board Support & Evaluation"> →

Sourcing Candidates

Provide a student with a job description and have them identify 25 candidates they think would be good for the position. Once identified, they will provide a brief justification as to why they selected these specific candidates, as well as potential conversation starters you might have for each based on their background and work experience.

Sourcing Candidates"> →

Diversity Best Practices

Assist in the development of a diversity best practices manual. Identify between 10 and 20 thoughtful articles that highlight the importance of diversity in organizations, best practices, and challenges when best practices are not implemented. Summarize key points across the articles in a single document.

Diversity Best Practices"> →

Community Relations

Help create and maintain a positive presence with the client's local communities. This may include drafting content for local publications and social media, event planning, and/or strategic outreach.

Community Relations"> →

Data Clean-Up

Cleanse a provided data set including removing duplicates, updating outdated records, and ensuring there is consistent formatting. In addition, ensure data quality by verifying its integrity and ensure its completeness is maintained and/or enhanced.

Data Clean-Up"> →

Custom Project

Have a project in mind that's not listed? Click above to create your own custom project.

Custom Project "> →

How it Works

Create an account on Parker Dewey and post your project - no additional paperwork required!
Post your project using the templates above or outline your own.
College students and recent graduates apply.
Select who you want based on skills, alma mater, or other details.
The work gets done, you provide feedback.

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