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Kansas Health Care Career Research

Congratulations on having been selected for this Micro-Internship! Please follow the steps below to get started on your project.

Complete These Steps:

1. Complete the Skillsline Micro-Internship BOOST course

The six micro-lessons within this course will help you understand essential skills to get hired for any career.  You will receive a "Welcome" email from courtney@skillsline.co with your Username and Password. The lessons should take between 1-1.5 hours to complete.

Log into Skillsline using this link.

2. Discover Your Agilities

Complete the 'Learning About Agilities' lesson in Skillsline. You'll take the Agile Work Profiler, an online career assessment tool designed to help you identify your career interests and strengths, and learn more about how Agilities can help you define a personal development and career plan. The lesson and assessment should take you about 20 minutes to complete.


3. Schedule and Conduct Your Informational Interview

You will be matched with a Kansas Hospital Association (KHA) member who will share a current challenge they are facing in their organization or facility.  You should ask them about this challenge and any other questions you have about careers in healthcare.

Use this guide as a resource to help you prepare for and conduct the informational interview.

4. Prepare a PowerPoint or Social Media Post

Based on what you learned in your informational interview, prepare a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation or social media posting on the advantages of a career in the healthcare industry.

Use this template as a starting point for your PowerPoint presentation.  Clicking this link will open a PowerPoint file (.pptx).

5. Write and Submit Your Reflection Essay

Complete a short (1-2 page) reflection essay on how this Micro-Internship has influenced your consideration of a career in healthcare. 

Use this guide to help.

When you have completed this essay, submit it AND your PowerPoint presentation/social media posting to your Micro-Internship supervisor.

Frequently Asked Questions