Introducing Parker Dewey+

    Unlock the full potential of your early-career recruiting with a platform designed to identify, engage, and hire top talent seamlessly.


    Scale, innovate, and optimize your recruiting process with skills-based hiring powered by Parker Dewey Micro-Internships.

    Our latest release makes it easier than ever to funnel high-quality candidates into your existing early-career recruiting process.

    In this live demo hosted by Parker Dewey founder Jeffrey Moss, we covered how Parker Dewey+ allows recruiting teams to leverage data such as:

    • Detailed candidate profiles
    • Skill insights
    • Targeted engagement
    • Hiring manager behaviors
    • Actionable data to help achieve recruiting and other early-career program goals

    We also shared three no-lift programs your team can leverage this fall to identify emerging talent before they are eligible for traditional internships, generate more on-campus awareness through Micro-Intern ambassadors, and gain insights on students earlier in the recruiting process, allowing you to focus on high-potential candidates. 

    Watch the Replay

    To protect employer and candidate confidentiality, the live platform demo from this webinar is not included in the recording.

    For a Parker Dewey+ demo, schedule time with our team.