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Trinity Co-Op Program:

The Co-op Program offers students a way to Earn, Network, and Learn during their time at Trinity. This program connects students to companies and organizations for work-based professional development opportunities. Students focus on development of skills in the areas of critical thinking and problem solving; teamwork and collaboration; professionalism; oral and written communications; and, leadership. The program offers an immersive experience for students to gain skills and build a professional network while funding a portion of the costs of their education

Some companies and organizations use the co-op program as a way to develop a pipeline of future employees. All companies and organizations are trained in and committed to the best practices of cooperative, experiential education and act as partners in the student’s learning.

Trinity Co-Ops are designed to take 15 weeks in total and are offered to students in the following increments:

  • 1 Day Per Week (120 hours)

  • 2 Days Per Week (240 hours)

  • 3 Days Per Week (360 hours)

Additional options for Summer Co-Ops only:

  • 4 Days Per Week (480 hours)
  • 5 Days Per Week (600 hours)

To view sample position descriptions or post a custom Co-Op, click on the links below based on how long you think the project will take.  If you have questions about the Trinity Co-Op program, please email ENL@TRNTY.EDU


*Note that you will see language regarding Micro-Internships within the Parker Dewey portal. Rest assured, you are posting a Co-Op!



Sharon and Amen_Trinity

Co-Op Templates

Click on the links below to see Co-Op templates that you can customize before posting.

If you have questions or need help, please reach out to the Parker Dewey team.

1 Day Per Week

Student will work 8 hours a week.

View Templates →

Grant and Ryley
2 Days Per Week

Student will work 16 hours a week.

View Templates →

Student Presentation
3 Days Per Week

Student will work 24 hours a week.

View Templates →

Axel and Kevin
*4 Days Per Week

Student will work 32 hours a week. *Summer Only

View Templates →

Sharon and EJ
*5 Days Per Week

Student will work 40 hours a week. *Summer Only

View Templates →

Summer 2024 / Fall 2024 / Spring 2025

1 Week Prior to Semester Start

Co-Op must be posted on Parker Dewey. Ideally, as soon as possible.

Check Your Work Icon
May 5 / May 31 / December 14

Student must be selected on Parker Dewey.

Checklist Icon
May 6 - August 23 / August 26 - December 13 / January 3 - May 10

Student will complete the Co-Op assignment.

Survey Icon
August 23 / December 13 / May 10

Co-Op must be marked complete by supervisor on Parker Dewey and feedback form complete.

Frequently Asked Questions


Trinity Co-Op Program invoices will be sent to you by Trinity Christian College.  You will not receive an invoice for this project from Parker Dewey. 

Click here for the full Co-Op Fee Structure.

There is limited funding available for organizations hosting 1-Day Co-Ops.  Companies can apply for a 50% sponsorship ($1,500) or a full sponsorship ($3,000) to cover a 1-Day (120 hours) Co-Op. 

Sponsorships are not available for multi-day Co-Ops.

To inquire about sponsorship requests, please email ENL@TRNTY.EDU


Please review this sample MOU to review expectations of all parties.


Organizations fully covering the Co-Op fees may post an unlimited amount of Co-Op opportunities.  For organizations receiving sponsorship from Trinity: 

  • Organizations matching 50% of the Co-Op fees may post up to two 1-Day Co-Ops per term.
  • Organizations receiving full sponsorship may post one 1-Day Co-Op per term.

Co-Ops can be either on-site, virtual, or hybrid depending on the requirements of the assignment.

Once you post your position, eligible Trinity students will apply if they are interested.  You will receive an email each day that your project receives at least one application.
To select a student:
  • Log back into the Parker Dewey platform by clicking this link. If you do not remember your password, click on "Forgot password? Reset it" button.
  • Once you log in, click on Details underneath your project. Then select View Applicants.
  • Click Details next to each student to read more about each student's background and his/her answers to your application question(s).
  • Once you have made your selection, you can select Approve Applicant for This Project. If you want to send your student a message you can click Send Them a Message! to set up a time to do an interview or ask the student for more information.
When you select a student, both you and the student will receive an email with each other's contact information so that you can schedule a time to meet and kickoff the Co-Op.  
We'll also send you additional resources via email so that your project goes as smoothly as possible.  You can review these resources here.  You will also have a contact from the Parker Dewey Client Success Team, and you can reach out to that individual at any time if you need help with your project.

In short, it’s easy as Parker Dewey handles it all.  No HR burdens. No conversion fees. No questions about ownership or worries about confidentiality.

Employment: Micro-Interns are not your employees, contractors, interns, temps, or freelancers. Similar to working with a consulting firm or any other service provider, you are engaging Parker Dewey LLC to complete the assignment, and each individual you select is a contractor or employee of Parker Dewey. You can still directly interact with them as much or little as you would like, and always have the opportunity to hire them directly without any costs or fees.

Liability: We’re mission-driven and believe in the power of creating opportunities. That said, we take on all the liability. Not happy with the work product? We’ll give you a full refund or find an alternate Career Launcher. 

Work Product: All work product is owned by you. 

Confidentiality: While most projects involve public-facing information of a non-sensitive nature, both Parker Dewey and all Career Launchers sign strict NDAs to protect your information. In addition to the standard provisions, the students understand that they are risking their academic transcript or expulsion for any violation of confidentiality.

Background Checks: Given the short-term nature and structure of these assignments, we do not conduct background checks. While companies are always welcome to conduct a background check directly, the nature of the specific assignments and lack of a direct relationship with the individual who is selected has caused most organizations to defer the background check until after a Micro-Internship is completed and a student is offered a traditional internship or full-time role.

More Questions?

Parker Dewey is honored to partner with Trinity Christian College to "power" the Trinity Co-Op Program.  To connect with the Parker Dewey team, email

If you have questions for the Trinity Career Services team, please contact ENL@TRNTY.EDU.