Ready to post your Micro-Internship?  Click here

Micro-Internship Templates

Click on the links below to see Micro-Internship templates that you can customize before posting. If you have questions or need help, complete the form above, and a member of the Parker Dewey team will reach out to you.

Post a Custom Project
Post a Custom Project

Click on the link above to create your own project. If you need help, please reach out using the form above.

Post Your Project →

Marketing Collateral
Marketing Collateral

Tap into a college student’s creativity to develop promotional materials for your company or organization.

Post This Project →

Social Media Content Calendar
Social Media Content Calendar

Engage a student in creating a social media content calendar. The posts should have a good mix of thought leadership, informational, and promotional content (which we will provide).

Post This Project →

Reviewing/Ranking Resumes
Reviewing/Ranking Resumes

Reviewing job candidates' resumes can be time consuming. Let a student save you time by reviewing and ranking these resumes.

Post This Project →

Update User Manual
Update User Manual

Have a student update the user manual to reflect recent changes made to product specifications and features.

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Website Updates
Website Updates

Have a student assist with making various changes to a website. This could include reformatting pages, revising text, changing images, and more.

Post This Project →

Lead Generation
Lead Generation

Do you need to identify new leads but can’t find the extra time? Have a student take on this essential task for you.

Post This Project →

Connecting to an API
Connecting to an API

Have an eager student develop an application programming interface (API) script that will interface and pull information from a site.

Post This Project →

Interested in posting a project exclusively for students in the UCS Career Launcher program?

Students in the UCS Career Launcher program have had the opportunity to be mentored by a UNC alumn, and receive hands-on career coaching and development that has holistically prepared them for their Micro-Internship project. This program is open to all UNC – Chapel Hill students, but has strongly been encouraged for underrepresented students, underserved majors, and students who lack any career-aligned professional experience.


To make your Micro-Internship opportunity exclusively available for students that meet the above criteria, please do the following when posting your project:


Add '-UCS Career Launcher Program' to the title of your Micro-Internship posting.

This will allow students to know that this project is available to them as a result of their participation in the program.

Screenshot_Project Name_UNC Chapel Hill


Add 'UNC Chapel Hill: UCS Career Launcher' in the 'Affiliations/Programs' section.

This will make it so only students in the program will be able to see your Micro-Internship opportunity.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 3.37.33 PM


Add the following question to your posting to ensure that you're reaching the targeted population:

'Do you qualify for the Career Launcher program?  If you’re not sure, reach out to'

Screenshot_Questions_UNC Chapel Hill


How it Works

Creating an account takes under five minutes!
Alumni post projects using templates above or create your own.
Post projects using templates above or create your own.
UNC Chapel Hill students apply.
UNC Chapel Hill students apply.
Choose from Swarthmore applicants.
Choose from UNC Chapel Hill applicants.
Students gain work experience, your project gets done.
Students gain work experience, your project gets done.

Frequently Asked Questions


UNC is seeking employers that can provide paid micro-internship projects with a minimum duration of 20 hours (max 40). The cost is $500 for a 20-hour project; and $1000 for a 40-hour project. UNC has partnered with Parker Dewey to facilitate payments to students so that all administrative processes are handled efficiently.


In short, it’s easy as Parker Dewey handles it all.  No HR burdens. No questions about ownership or worries about confidentiality/liability.

Employment: Micro-Interns are not your employees, contractors, interns, temps, or freelancers. Similar to working with a consulting firm or any other service provider, you are engaging Parker Dewey LLC to complete the assignment, and the student you select is a contractor or employee of Parker Dewey. 

Liability: Parker Dewey assumes all liability. Not happy with the work product? We’ll work with you and the Swarthmore team to determine next steps.

Work Product: All work product is owned by you. 

Confidentiality: While most projects involve public-facing information of a non-sensitive nature, both Parker Dewey and all Career Launchers sign strict NDAs to protect your information. In addition to the standard provisions, the students understand that they are risking their academic transcript or expulsion for any violation of confidentiality.

Background Checks: Given the short-term nature and structure of these assignments, we do not conduct background checks. While companies are always welcome to conduct a background check directly, the nature of the specific assignments and lack of a direct relationship with the individual who is selected has caused most organizations to defer the background check until after a Micro-Internship is completed and a student is offered a traditional internship or full-time role.


Micro-Internships can be either on-site or virtual, depending on the requirements of the project.  UNC recommends providing Remote Micro-Internships whenever possible as this allows the opportunity to be accessible to a maximum number of students.


These project opportunities are open to ALL UNC students, but will be prioritized for students who currently meet any of the following criteria:

  1. lack any career-aligned professional experience
  2. belong to a “special student population” at UNC, or
  3. participate in a Center for Student Success program.

Note: University Career Services (UCS) defines special student populations as: 1) historically marginalized students, 2) under-served student majors, and 3) target student populations defined by University Career Services.

Once you post your project, UNC students will be able to apply.  You will receive an email each day that your project receives at least one application.
To select a student:
  • Log back into the Parker Dewey platform by clicking this link. If you do not remember your password, click on "Forgot password? Reset it" button.
  • Once you log in, click on Details underneath your project. Then select View Applicants.
  • Click Details next to each student to read more about each student's background and his/her answers to your application question(s).
  • Once you have made your selection, you can select Approve Applicant for This Project. If you want to send your student a message you can click Send Them a Message! to set up a time to do an interview or ask the student for more information.
If you have any questions about this, please reach out to Parker Dewey's Director of Partnerships, Kristin Schrader at
When you select a student, both you and the student will receive an email with each other's contact information so that you can schedule a time to meet and kickoff the project. We'll also send you additional resources via email so that your project goes as smoothly as possible including the contact information for a member of our Client Success Team. You can reach out to this individual at any time if you need help with your project.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Parker Dewey's Director of Partnerships, Kristin Schrader at