Marketing Toolkit
How to use this content:
These promotional pieces and resources are designed to help you share information about this exciting program that allows companies to engage Florida and Connecticut students in a paid, professional, 15-hour project - at no cost to the company! We recommend sharing the resources below with your employer partners, local small businesses, nonprofits, alumni, students, and others who may be interested.
If you have questions,
schedule a time to connect with our team.
For Students: Email Announcement (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Subject: More Opportunities for Paid, Flexible, Real-World Experience
Email Template |
For Students: Newsletter Announcement (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Text: More Opportunities for Paid, Flexible, Real-World Experience [PARTNER] is excited to announce that new Micro-Internship opportunities are now being posted to a limited pool of students and recent graduates, including you! To view and apply for these flexible, paid, professional projects, log in to your Parker Dewey account and check out the 'Featured Projects' section! Button Text: Get started Button Link: |
Image (optional) |
For Students: Social Media Announcement (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Caption: Exciting news! Thanks to a new program, #ParkerDewey Micro-Internships are now being made available to a limited pool of early career talent that includes students and recent graduates of [PARTNER]! 🎉🎉🎉 Log in today and check out the 'Featured Projects' section to view and apply. (link in bio) @microinternships #microinternships
NOTE: For additional social media collateral, check out our Parker Dewey Marketing Toolkit. There's enough content to share a different Parker Dewey post every week for a year!
Options: Video: Click to open video in new window and download Image: |
Instagram Story: Create story with image from post.
For Students: Student Resources (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Description: Our student resources include tutorials, checklists, guides, and upcoming events all designed to help your students be successful in securing and executing Micro-Internship projects.
For Organizations: Email Announcement (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Subject: Exclusive Offer: Access, Engage, and Access [PARTNER] talent with a Micro-Internship
Email Template |
For Alumni: Email Announcement (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Subject: Exclusive Offer: Engage Talent from your Alma Mater with a Micro-Internship
Email Template |
For Organizations: Flyer (return to top of page) |
Description: A single-page handout (8.5x11 PDF) with perspectives from a student, employer, and university partner about how and why experiences through Parker Dewey provide value to all parties. Also includes a summary of the Frederick A. DeLuca Micro-Internship Program grant and website for how an organization can post a project.
Link to view/ download: |
For Organizations: Where Micro-Internships Fit Flyer (return to top of page) |
Description: A two-sided handout that highlights how Micro-Internships support employers as it relates to their specific recruiting goals.
Link to view/ download:
Link to customize: |
For Organizations: Newsletter Announcement (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Text: We are excited to announce a new program that allows you to engage a [PARTNER] student in a short-term, professional, paid work experience - at no cost to you! With this new Micro-Internship program, you can get a project done by a talented [PARTNER] student, and the student gets paid by us. Join us at an informational webinar to learn more (, or check out to see example Micro-Internships and post your no-cost project! |
Image (optional) Feel free to select whatever logo from our branding kit works best for your newsletter format. |
For Alumni: Newsletter Announcement (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Text: We are excited to announce a new program that allows you to engage a current [PARTNER] student in a short-term, professional, paid work experience - at no cost to you! With this new Micro-Internship program, you can get a project done by a talented [PARTNER] student, and the student gets paid by us. Join us at an informational webinar to learn more (, or check out to see example Micro-Internships and post your no-cost project! |
Image (optional) Feel free to select whatever logo from our branding kit works best for your newsletter format. |
For Organizations: LinkedIn Announcement (return to top of page) |
Caption: Is your professional to-do list looking a little long? Engage the help of a [PARTNER] student! You get a project done, and the student gets paid, professional experience, all at no cost to you! Start tackling that to-do list today with the help of a Micro-Intern. Join us at an informational webinar to learn more (, or check out to see example Micro-Internships and post your no-cost project! #microinternships #ondemand #projectsupport #recruiting #talentaquisition #gigeconomy #pathway #education2employment #free #winwin |
Links: Feel free to replace the second link in the post with the link to your institution's DeLuca-specific landing page, if you have one. To request a DeLuca specific landing page, schedule a meeting with the Parker Dewey partnerships team. |
Image: An image will load with the link, but if you prefer an image that features your institution, you can look for a pre-made one in this Google Folder: Example Image from Albertus Magnus College: If you cannot find the image for your institution, contact us. |
For Organizations: Video (return to top of page) |
Caption: Is your professional to-do list looking a little long? Engage the help of a [PARTNER] student! You get a project done, and the student gets paid, professional experience, all at NO COST to you! Start tackling that to-do list today with the help of a Micro-Intern. #microinternships #ondemand #projectsupport #recruiting #talentaquisition #gigeconomy #pathway #education2employment #free #winwin |
Links: |
Video: |
For Organizations: Employer Tutorial (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Text Step-by-step instructions on how to navigate and use Parker Dewey's platform as a company. |
Image Template (optional)
For Organizations: Project Library (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Text If your employers need more ideas/inspiration in regards to what makes a good Micro-Internship, our Project Library is a great place to look for ideas. Make sure they post their project through the Frederick A. DeLuca program page and the duration is set for 15 hours if they want their Micro-Internship cost to be fully-covered covered by the grant. |
Image Template (optional)
For Organizations: Flyer (Can a Micro-Intern Help?) (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Type: 8.5x11in PDF |
Description: A decision tree to help organizations better understand time spent on tasks that while important, are not the best use of your time. Includes a QR code for employers to post a project through the DeLuca Micro-Internship Program grant. |
Link to Flyer: |
Link to customizable template: N/A |
For Organizations: Flyer (Client Successes) (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Type: 8.5x11in PDF |
Description: In this digital flyer, view a small sample of organizations that have spoken publicly about their efforts to improve early-career hiring outcomes and links to stories about the solutions they have found by working with Parker Dewey. Each logo links to a story about their experience, so this is best shared digitally. |
Link to Example: |
Link to customizable template: N/A |
For Organizations: Supervisor Success Checklist (return to top of page) | ||||||||||||
Description: If your employers have concerns about what's involved in supervising a Micro-Intern, this checklist can be a helpful tool to share. Even though supervising a Micro-Intern isn't time consuming (in fact, these projects are designed to help supervisors get time back by getting projects done!), we still have resources to help companies make the most of the time they do spend with their Micro-Intern. |